Always informative. Never boring.Are You Letting a Free Email Address Make a Clown Out of You and Your Business?
It’s no laughing matter: Using a free email provider like Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo! to represent your business is a bad idea.
#TGIM: Thank Goodness It’s Monday!
Forget TGIF! If you truly want to succeed, start investing in TGIM.
Have You Joined the Chamber of Commerce? I Have!
Despite the many opportunities for online networking, Chambers of Commerce still offer something special to local business owners.
Need to Build a Business from Scratch? Here’s How It’s Done.
A client recently approached me about designing a website for his new business, but we accomplished much more than that. In his own words, read how his needs were met and exceeded.
Word Crimes
For all my fellow and wannabe grammarians, who cringe at grammar and punctuation atrocities, I’m sure you’ll love this video just as much as I do.
Digital Detox: When’s the Last Time You Unplugged?
We have become slaves to our devices, so much so that some people are bravely saying “enough is enough.” They are pulling the plug—for the short or long term—and digitally detoxing!